Femme du Soir University
( FDSU )

Discover The Basics of Creating a Life of Bliss Where Sensuality is a Priority

Pursue Your Passion For Sensuality,
Begin Your Educational Journey

My Story:

I used to be so self-conscious about my body that I could barely look at myself in the mirror. I constantly felt my body was not good enough. But then one day, I discovered the power of sensuality and everything changed.

As I began to explore my sensuality, I found myself becoming more confident in my own skin. I started to appreciate my body for what it was, rather than focusing on what it wasn’t. Sensuality helped me to connect with myself in a deeper way and to feel more alive.

Eventually, I became so passionate about sensuality that I decided to pursue it full-time. I became a muse and a sensual creator first before I took the initiative to own a sensual lifestyle brand and even now launching an online University, where I could teach others about the transformative power of sensuality.

Through my university, I am looking to help people unlock their own sensuality and overcome their own body insecurities. I know the rewarding experience of embracing your body and living more fully in your sensuality.

So if you’re struggling with body insecurities or feeling disconnected from your sensuality, know that there’s hope. Sensuality has the power to transform your life, just as it did mine. And I’m here to help guide you on your own journey towards discovering your sensual self.

Ready to explore the fascinating World of Sensuality?

Look no further!
Whether you’re just starting your journey into the realm of sensuality or seeking to expand your knowledge and skills in the art of sensuality. Our Sensual University is the perfect place for you to begin your learning journey.

Let’s start with the basics

Our first course: “Discover Your Sensual Self” is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of sensuality and how they can enhance their overall well-being. Through this course, students will explore various aspects of sensuality, including the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects, and how they are interconnected.

During this course, you can expect to receive the following resources:

  • Access to instructional videos, reading materials, and interactive exercises
  • Guidance on exploring and developing your sensual self
  • Techniques for enhancing sensuality and improving overall well-being
  • Insight into the connection between sensuality and mental health
  • Strategies for incorporating sensuality into daily life
  • Understanding of the role of sensuality in relationships

Consolidate your learning: Save time and effort with our all-in-one learning platform.

By enrolling in our course, you will save time and effort by gaining easily accessible and adaptable resources. You’ll learn how to create a safe and supportive environment for exploring sensuality, and gain a deeper understanding of the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of sensuality.

Your Coach

I understand what it’s like to be where you are, and I know the essential steps you need to take to attain freedom with your body, self-love, and a meaningful relationship with sensuality.

After my own 7-year journey, I discovered my authentic sensual self, and it brought me an abundance of joy and fulfillment.

I’m excited to guide you in unleashing your sensual power.

Jodelle Duverseau
Founder of Femme Du Soir LLC

Self-care is not selfish.
You cannot serve from an empty vessel.

Eleanor Brown

Sensuality is not just a physical
experience; it is a state of mind and a way
of being.

Lebo Grand

The abundance of life is in the richness
of our experiences,the depth of our
connections, and the power of our passions."

Brendon Burchard

"Sensuality is the celebration of life,
the exploration of the senses,
and the awakening of the soul."

Anais Nin

FDSU created for Sensual Beings and Creators

Transform Your Life: Discover the Power of Sensual Self-Exploration

The impact of applying what you learn in our course can be transformative. You’ll develop techniques for self-care, learn how to overcome shame and guilt, and explore sensuality with a partner.

With a greater understanding of your body and its needs, you’ll improve your overall wellbeing and enhance your relationships.

Explore Over 20 Digital PDFs To Enhance Your Sensual Knowledge.

Join our Sensual University and receive an exclusive 50% discount at our Etsy store, where you’ll find a curated collection of digital products that are designed to help you embrace and live a truly sensual lifestyle, in the most exquisite way.

Claim Your Certificate of Completion and Proudly Display Your Sensual Journey to the World!

Upon completion of this course, you’ll receive a valuable certificate recognizing your accomplishment and dedication to your sensual journey. This certificate is more than just a piece of paper – it represents the transformation and growth you’ve undergone during your journey towards embracing your sensuality.

Femme du Soir University ( FDSU )



Why should you sign up for “Discover Your Sensual Self?

Module 1:
Learn About the Benefits of Practising Sensuality

This course will introduce you to the concept of sensuality and its numerous benefits. You’ll learn how practicing sensuality can improve your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing.

Module 2:
Debunk Myths and Misconceptions

This course will dispel any myths and misconceptions you may have about sensuality. You’ll gain a more accurate understanding of what sensuality is and what it isn’t.

Module 3:
Develop a Safe and Supportive environment:

Creating a safe and supportive environment for exploring sensuality is crucial. You’ll learn how to create this type of environment, which will help you feel comfortable and secure in your journey towards sensuality.

Module 4:
Self-Care Practices

This moudule will teach you the importance of self-care for sensuality.You’ll learn techniques for taking care of your mind, body, and soul, as well as how to make self-care a priority in your life.

Module 5:
Understanding Your Body and Its Needs

Understanding your body and its needs is a key aspect of sensuality. You’ll learn techniques for exploring your senses and sensations, as well as techniques for releasing tension and stress in your body.

Module 6:
Overcoming Shame and Guilt

Shame and guilt can be major obstacles in the pursuit of sensuality. This course will teach you techniques for overcoming  sensuality and solo intimacy, which will help you build a positive body image and a deeper connection with yourself.

Module 7:
Sensual Exploration With a Partner

Building intimacy and trust in your relationships is an essential part of exploring sensuality with a partner. This course will teach you techniques for exploring sensuality with a partner, as well as how to understand boundaries and communicate effectively. 

Module 8:
Integrating sensuality into your life

This module will teach you how to integrate sensuality into your life in a sustainable and fulfilling way. You’ll learn how to overcome obstacles and challenges in practicing sensuality and how to move forward on your sensual journey.

Is Discover Your Sensual Self Right For Me?

Discover Your Sensual Self is for you if:

Discover Your Sensual Self is not for you if:

Looking for an instant indulgence?

Dive into our curated collection of digital education on sensuality available now at our Etsy store. Uncover a world of techniques and knowledge for embracing a truly sensual lifestyle.

100% Money-Back Guarantee


This course is for anyone who wants to explore and embrace sensuality in their life. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, this course is designed to help you develop techniques for self-care, overcome shame and guilt, and explore sensuality in a safe and supportive environment.

The course is delivered online through a series of modules, which you can complete at your own pace. Each module includes videos, exercises, and resources to help you understand and apply the concepts covered.

No prior knowledge is necessary. The course is designed for beginners who want to learn about the basics of sensuality and how to integrate it into their lives.

You will have access to a private online community where you can connect with other students and receive support from the course coach. In addition, there will be regular Q&A sessions and office hours where you can get your questions answered.

The course “Discover Your Sensual Self: A Comprehensive Guide to the Basics of Sensuality” is self-paced, which means you can take as much time as you need to complete it. The course consists of 8 modules, and each module contains a few lessons, so the time it takes to complete the course will depend on your pace and availability. However, on average, students complete the course in 1-3 days. You will have lifetime access to the course materials, so you can revisit the content at any time.

Yes!! Upon finishing the course, you will receive a certification of completion that you can proudly display as a testament to your dedication to personal growth and sensual exploration.

Enrollment Begins
In September 2023

Discover The Basics of Creating a Life of Bliss Where Sensuality is a Priority


An email a week to keep you at your peak.

Copyright © 2023 Femme Du Soir.  All Rights Reserved

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